Blogging Tips For Removing Referrer Spam Using Google Analytics
Blogging Tips For Removing Referrer Spam Using Google Analytics Referrer Spam is a bot that sends fake traffic to your blog and this fake traffic is recorded by our Blogspot stats and Google Analytics .Actually, there is no permanent solution for preventing these types of spam traffic because google and these bad bots are like a mouse and cat.Google blocks millions of these URLs but the next day they are double or triple in the no. because bad bot programs have many ways and many tricks to generate fake traffic. Here are some article related to this article:- To know about Bot programs:- Bot is Bad or Good Program - Blogging Tips About Bot To know about Referrer Spam:- Referrer Spam is not a real traffic - Blogging Tips About Referrer Spam But I have a solution by which we can stop these fake traffic to some extent using google analytics .So let we start:- Google Analytics and Blogger Stats both can record these type of traffic but we all know that Google Analy...